“ I was accused of being a “MOSSAD AGENT”, “traitor”, “Zionist” and every other swear word imaginable.
In the 35 years I have been sharing Jesus with Muslims, I have been called all those terms. As a missionary, I have treated those insults like badges of honor. They show that our work has not been in vain and that our message has touched people and aroused emotions - even to the extent that some have become angry, but many have also changed—to become followers of Jesus.
This book shares my story from being born into a Muslim family in a small town outside of Jerusalem to pioneering media missions to reach Muslims around the world"
— Harun Ibrahim
"When we at Joyce Meyer Ministries took on the monumental task of starting the Life Channel (Al Hayat Channel), we had no idea what we were doing. But God did! Probably the most significant person he sent to help us was Harun. Without his relationships and understanding of the region, we could have made so many mistakes. His life of service, not only to Al Hayat but to the entire Muslim world is amazing. This book depicts a life of great service to the cause."
— David Meyer, CEO of Hand of Hope - Joyce Meyer Ministries
"As the author of the 2014 book,˝A Wind in the House of Islam˝, I’m often asked, what is the state of Muslim movements to Christ today? Now I have an answer: Read Harun Ibrahim’s book “Sharing Jesus, Shaking Islam!”"
— David Garrison, PhD, Author of “A Wind in the House of Islam”