The Qur’ān Dilemma
Former Muslims Analyze Islam's Holiest Book - Volume TWO
The role of Islam is paramount in the social life of Muslims. Islam’s influence internationally is both conspicuous and sobering, whether through the power of wealthy or populous Muslim-majority countries or through the large minorities of Muslim immigrants living in Western countries. This growing presence of Islam in the modern world makes The Qur’ān Dilemma an indispensable tool for its audience: readers who are intent in learning more about Islam and readers who are interested in understanding global politics through the prism of Islam, which is the Qur’ān.
Part I: Background Materials
Volume Two of The Qur’ān Dilemma This volume also contains articles to provide readers with the necessary background and context concerning key topics and issues of the Qur’an; “Variant Readings of the Qur’ān: Study Update,” and “Paradise and Hell in the Qur’ān"
Part II: The Qur’ānic Text
Volume Two of The Qur’ān Dilemma will examine sixteen chapters, or suras (Q 10 through Q 25). As in Volume One, this volume will provide commentary on selected verses within the suras of the Qur’ān from three distinct perspectives:
Introduction | Outlining the major subjects Critical Analysis, or the historical, factual, and linguistic difficulties presented in the Qur’ānic text |
Critical Analysis | The historical, factual, and linguistic difficulties presented in the Qur’ānic text Abrogation, or the annulment of certain verses |
Variant Readings | Problems present in different readings by Islamic scholars of certain verses. In this volume we—expanding the research to include early Qur’ānic manuscripts and redesigning the methodology for analysis—will not only deepen readers’ understanding of the obstacles that have prevented a singular Qur’ān for all Muslims but also their recognition of the critical need for one standard Qur’ān in “plain [clear] Arabic language” (Q 26.195; Palmer trans.). |
Abrogation | The annulment of certain verses Variant Readings, or problems present in different readings by Islamic scholars of certain verses, a phenomenon peculiar to the Qur'an, in which hundreds of "peaceful" verses have been annulled or replaced by other verses... |
Part III: Summary of Resources and References
The third part of this book contains traditional references as well as other resources to assist the reader in understanding various aspects of the book. All the resources will better familiarize the reader with important concepts particular to the Qur’ān, help the reader in topic searches and related information, and enhance the reader’s contextual understanding and knowledge concerning the beginnings and spread of Islam.
Suggested Readings | This section contains a helpful listing of materials to extend the discussion and information on selected topics mentioned in this book and about the Qur’ān’s history and contents. |
Selected Proper Names | This section contains additional information about individuals mentioned in this book who impacted—or were affected by—Islam or the Qur’ān, particularly during the early centuries. |
Selected Definitions | Brief definitions for important Islamic subjects and other related terms are presented in this section. |
Timeline | The vertical graphic with accompanying captions notes the caliphs, other important Muslim figures, and key events during the ’Umayyad period of Islam’s history (AH 40-132/AD 661-750). |
Tables | These resources have compressed and organized information regarding several important topics detailed throughout the book to promote quick access for analysis and comparison: - Islamic Prophets
- Islamic Holidays
- Readers of the Variant Readings (Qur’ān Dilemma Two)
- Variant Readings: Classification of Variances from the Majority Reading and the Current Arabic Qur’ān
- Nöldeke Chronology and Classification of the Qur’ān’s Suras
- Comparisons of the Qur’ān’s Chronological Order
- International Phonetic Alphabet – Arabic Language
Maps | Four maps are included to provide a visual geographical and political representation of the Arabian Peninsula during the early history of Islam and its progressive western and eastern expansion to AD 750 (AH 132):
- Early Islam’s Military Campaigns, Battles, and Conquests
- Islam’s Expansion under Prophet Muģammad and First Four Caliphs
- Islam’s Military Campaigns, Battles, and Conquests, AD 622-750
- Islam’s Territorial Expansion, AD 622-750
Endnotes | Because of the extensive research contained in this book, endnotes (rather than parenthetical documentation) were used to cite the textual references. Each set of endnotes is organized sequentially by chapter—articles first, followed by the suras.: |
Works Cited | All references cited in this book are contained in this section and are divided into three sections: Arabic Commentaries, Arabic Sources, and Non-Arabic Sources. |
Name Index | Names of people and spiritual beings are listed alphabetically in the book. For best identification and access, most Arabic names are alphabetized by the first or most well-known name; contemporary Arabic and Western names are listed alphabetically by last name. |
Subject Index | Major topics discussed in this book are alphabetically arranged and linked with corresponding page numbers to enhance and expedite reader access to the content. |