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God's Presence in the Qur'an and the Bible (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)

Gods Presence in the Quran and the Bible (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)
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Starting from: 2 items $18.50
Starting from: 4 items $16.50
Starting from: 8 items $14.00
Starting from: 16 items $12.50

Many religions see God as the Creator and Sustainer of life, including Islam and Christianity. However, there is a divergence of view on the character of God between the Qur’an and the Bible. The Qur’an describes God as:

  • ‘The dominant’;
  • ‘The Subduer’;
  • 'The Arrogant;’ and
  • ‘The best of the cunning ones’.
The Muslim believes that people have no control over their destiny, it is decided arbitrarily by God regardless of good works, although good works must be pursued in the hope that obedience will be rewarded before God.

The Bible presents God as One who desires our company and grants us access to His presence by His grace, who loves us and reaches out to us in spite of our sinfulness.
This tract presents to the Muslim the clear path to salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus, and the love of God in revealing the Son to reconcile the Muslim with God for the purpose of a personal relationship with Him. Moreover, it shows the Muslim how to get the gift of eternal life through putting his faith in Christ, in a plain and understandable way.

Al Hayat Ministries
2.5 lbs