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Was Christ Crucified? Or Someone Else? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)

Was Christ Crucified? Or Someone Else? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)
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Was Christ Crucified? Or Someone Else?
Starting from: 2 items $18.50
Starting from: 4 items $16.50
Starting from: 8 items $14.00
Starting from: 16 items $12.50

The Qur’ān says that Jesus was not crucified, it was a “likeness” instead, or even that someone else died on the cross, but not Christ. The Qur’ān is not an eyewitness account of the crucifixion, and the Muslim version of this event raises several questions: The “likeness” is not identified; it does not explain how this substitution took place; it does not say when nor where this took place; and no reason is provided as to why this was done. The Qur’ānic verse states that God raised Him, as though to rescue Him from crucifixion, but the meaning is not clear as to when this happened and why God sacrificed someone else in His place?

This tract answers, from the Bible, the Islamic misunderstanding of the crucifixion.

The New Testament writers identify Jesus as the One who was crucified. The crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus are all exact fulfillments of Old Testament prophecies and even took place on the precise date and time of the Passover. The Gospels describe in detail the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus and give us the place, time, and sequence of events.

Jesus died intentionally, voluntarily, and sacrificially. Moreover, outside historical evidence from writings of the time confirms that Jesus was crucified. The objections to the crucifixion are dissolved by the light of the Scriptures and the purpose of the crucifixion – to take away the Muslim’s sins and open up salvation to all mankind.

Al Hayat Ministries
2.5 lbs
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