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Where Does the Qur’an State That the Bible Is Corrupted? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)

Where Does the Qur’an State That the Bible Is Corrupted? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)
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Where Does the Qur’an State That the Bible Is Corrupted?
Starting from: 2 items $18.50
Starting from: 4 items $16.50
Starting from: 8 items $14.00
Starting from: 16 items $12.50

Many Muslims believe that Jews and Christians have corrupted the Bible, but they do not offer any proof. The Qur’ān refers to some Jews who misrepresented the Scripture, claiming they wrote fake books to make money. The Qur’ān does not offer any proof that the Old or New Testaments have been tampered with. On the contrary, it affirms the validity of these writings as revelation from God. Additionally, the Qur’ān refers to Jews and Christians as “People of the Book”.

The tract explains that through thousands of manuscripts and other textual evidence including the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Bible has been both preserved and authenticated. The Bible is indestructible and has been preserved through the ages by careful scholarship and scribal diligence. The Bible is fully reliable as evidenced in the fulfillment of prophecies and the eternal truth expressed in its writings.

This tract proves to the Muslim that the Bible is accurate and has been passed down in its entirety and without corruption. Moreover, it proclaims that the Bible alone contains the message of salvation and shows the Muslim the way to receive the free gift of eternal life through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Al Hayat Ministries
3 lbs
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