English > English Tracts
Where Does Christ Say, “I Am God, Worship Me”? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)
Where Does Christ Say, “I Am God, Worship Me”? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies) One of the objections of Muslims to Jesus Christ as the Lord, is that they want a straightforward... More Info
Starting from: 2 items $18.50
Starting from: 4 items $16.50
Starting from: 8 items $14.00
Starting from: 16 items $12.50
Was Christ Crucified? Or Someone Else? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)
Was Christ Crucified? Or Someone Else? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies) The Qur’ān says that Jesus was not crucified, it was a “likeness” instead, or even that someone e... More Info
Starting from: 2 items $18.50
Starting from: 4 items $16.50
Starting from: 8 items $14.00
Starting from: 16 items $12.50
What Is the Meaning of Christ the Son of God? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)
What Is the Meaning of Christ the Son of God? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies) Muslims often reject the concept of Jesus as the Son of God, believing it to be blasphemy. The Qu... More Info
Starting from: 2 items $18.50
Starting from: 4 items $16.50
Starting from: 8 items $14.00
Starting from: 16 items $12.50
What Does “Christ the Word of God” Mean in the Qur’an and Holy Bible? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)
What Does “Christ the Word of God” Mean in the Qur’an and Holy Bible? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies) In this tract, a comparison is made between the meaning of “Christ, the Word of God” in the Qur'ā... More Info
Starting from: 2 items $18.50
Starting from: 4 items $16.50
Starting from: 8 items $14.00
Starting from: 16 items $12.50
Where Does the Qur’an State That the Bible Is Corrupted? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)
Where Does the Qur’an State That the Bible Is Corrupted? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies) Many Muslims believe that Jews and Christians have corrupted the Bible, but they do not offer any... More Info
Starting from: 2 items $18.50
Starting from: 4 items $16.50
Starting from: 8 items $14.00
Starting from: 16 items $12.50
Is the Gospel Four Books or ONE? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)
Is the Gospel Four Books or ONE? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies) Muslims are confused by the existence of the ‘four Gospels.’ Moreover, Muslims suppose that Jesus... More Info
Starting from: 2 items $18.50
Starting from: 4 items $16.50
Starting from: 8 items $14.00
Starting from: 16 items $12.50
Does the Quran Acknowledge Christs Death and Resurrection? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)
Does the Qur'an Acknowledge Christ's Death and Resurrection? (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies) Muslims commonly believe that Jesus was not crucified, due to a vague Qur’ānic verse that could b... More Info
Starting from: 2 items $18.50
Starting from: 4 items $16.50
Starting from: 8 items $14.00
Starting from: 16 items $12.50
Gods Presence in the Quran and the Bible (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies)
God's Presence in the Qur'an and the Bible (English Version) - 1 Item (200 Copies) Many religions see God as the Creator and Sustainer of life, including Islam and Christianity. Ho... More Info
Starting from: 2 items $18.50
Starting from: 4 items $16.50
Starting from: 8 items $14.00
Starting from: 16 items $12.50